Saturday 16 February 2013

BBQ Ribs

Homemade Yummy Ribs

This is also the food I brought to my friend's place today. It was the today's winning dish. I have received lots of compliments. 
I got this recipe from my mum. We used to have BBQ Ribs at the restaurants, but the taste is alway too greasy. Mum has experienced a few times at home final comes out with this ultimate home cook recipe. 
I was in an rush this afternoon, please ignore my rough plate decoration.

1 kg pork ribs

1 head garlic
3 slices ginger
4 Tbsp honey
1 teaspoon fish sauce
4 Tbsp soy sauce
2 Tbsp black pepper
3 Tbsp white wine
Chili (optional)

Blend the sauce ingredient, pour on the pork ribs.
Marinate overnight, flip the ribs several times before roast.
Pre heat the oven
take out the ribs and wrap up with the foil.
180 degree roast for 1 hour and 20 mins.
Remove the foil, brush the extra sauce constantly.
200 degree roast for 20 mins each side.
Take out the ribs and carefully cut into strips, brush the sauce on the cutting edge and roast for an extra 10 mins.

No one needs the tip of BBQ ribs, just dig in.

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